Quality Area 2: Children’s Health and Safety
The goal of Quality Area 2 under the National Quality Standard is to ensure the health and safety of children, minimize risks, and protect them from harm, injury, and infection.
Every child deserves quality education and care in an environment that supports their physical and psychological well-being, fostering their growing competence, confidence, and independence.
Greater West Childcare is committed to prioritising the safety, health and wellbeing of each child throughout all aspects of the organisation. We are committed to working systematically on policies, procedures, practices & cultures that create conditions to reduce the likelihood of children being harmed, increase the likelihood of identifying and reporting harm, and enable appropriate responses to disclosures, allegations and suspicions of harm.
Arrival, Collection and Transportation Policy
Greater West Childcare is committed to providing a safe environment for children in relation to children arriving at the premises, leaving the premises, whilst in transit to and from school, and on excursions.
Download Arrival Collection and Transportation Policy
Medical Conditions and Medication Policy
Greater West Childcare is committed to providing a safe environment for all children and endeavours to ensure that medical conditions & administration of medication are carefully monitored to minimise the risk to the health of a child.
Download Medical Conditions and Medication Policy
Child Safety Policy
At Greater West Childcare, we prioritize the safety, health, and well-being of every child. We work diligently on our policies, procedures, practices, and culture to minimize the risk of harm, identify and report any harm, and respond appropriately to any disclosures or suspicions of harm.
Download Child Safety Policy
Safe Environment Policy
Greater West Childcare understands it has a duty of care and is committed to ensuring that children are provided with a safe and secure environment both physically and online, through the creation of a child safe culture.
Download Safe Environment Policy
Healthy Lifestyle Policy
Greater West Childcare is committed to embedding healthy lifestyle practices within daily routines to ensure each child’s wellbeing and comfort is provided for.
Download Healthy Lifestyle Policy
Health Practices Policy
Greater West Childcare understands the importance of having good health practices in place at our services, to ensure the health and safety of the children, families and staff in our care, and desires to ensure relevant health issues are considered and addressed.
Download Health Practices Policy